
Proposals Stanislav Naydenov Proposals Stanislav Naydenov

Naadia and Jamie - Rowhill Grange & Utopia Spa Hotel Proposal

The Planning

Jamie contacted me a few weeks before the proposal. He had all the details figured out - the ring, the place, the time, the gazebo and afternoon tea. He had planned a spa day away for him and his partner, Naadia, at the Rowhill Grange & Utopia Spa hotel near Dartford. He arranged a company to decorate the gazebo at the hotel and had an afternoon tea set up there as well.

The plan worked perfectly. Naadia had a massage booked from 12 until 12:30 during which we made sure everything was okay and made sure the wind didn’t knock one of the decorative trees over towards the table where the ring was hidden and where the afternoon tea was set up.

The hotel itself and the grounds were fantastic. The weather, apart from the random gusts of wind, was definitely on our side. The weather forecast kept changing and also the chances of rain were high according to the ever-so-unreliable weather apps but in the end the rain held off for us.

The decorated gazebo looked gorgeous thanks to A&K Event Styling Ltd and the afternoon tea which was prepared by the hotel looked, and tasted, amazing. Thank you so much Naadia and Jamie for letting me have the smoked salmon sandwiches from your afternoon tea!

The ring! The ring was nothing short of incredible. Jamie could not have done a better job at picking the ring. I can tell you this because Naadia did not stop looking at it throughout the hour or so I had with them and indeed it was a fine piece of jewellery.


I’m forever grateful I got to photograph Naadia and Jamie’s proposal and also to receive this message from Naadia afterwards.

“Stan....we are honestly lost for words...The pictures are absolutely beautiful, every single one captures a different emotion that helped us to relive and remember that particular moment in time. The photos are stunning and we love them. We cannot wait to share them with our family and friends. I'm so pleased that you were recommended to Jamie and that you were available on the weekend as planned. It was meant to be!”

Where to next?

Check out Alexandra and Miguel’s Big Ben proposal here.

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Proposals, Latest proposal Stanislav Naydenov Proposals, Latest proposal Stanislav Naydenov

Kyoto Garden Proposal - Apoorva and Sunil - A Perfectly Executed Plan

A man proposing to his girlfriend at Kyoto Garden in London

It couldn’t have gone any better..!

Apoorva was oblivious to what was coming. I was on the other side of the waterfall, she saw me and handed me her phone to take a photo of them. I said I’d take a photo of them on my camera and send it to them later as well. Little did she know Sunil was about to propose. The plan was so perfectly executed it took Apoorva a while to realise what had just happened.

After the proposal

After Sunil proposed we then wandered through Kyoto Garden and Holland Park and then got on the streets. To finish, we all needed to get on the tube which was a perfect opportunity to get a photo of them with a blurred train in the background - I loved it!


Kyoto Garden London Waterfall
A heron at Kyoto Garden in London
Sunil about to propose in front of the waterfall at Kyoto Garden
Kyoto Garden Proposal
Apoorva in shock after Sunil drops to one knee to propose
She said YES to Sunil's proposal at Kyoto Garden
Apoorva and Sunil embracing each other after he proposed at Kyoto Garden
A couple hugging after they got engaged in Kyoto Garden London
Couple walking through Holland Park after their engagement

Something Apoorva and Sunil do in photos all the time - scratch their heads. I found it hilarious!

A squirrel at Kyoto Garden, London
A couple walking down a London street after they got engaged at Kyoto Garden
Apoorva and Sunil after their proposal at Kyoto Garden
Sunil holding Apoorva's hand with the engagement ring on
A couple walking on the side of the road
The end of Apoorva and Sunil's Kyoto Garden Proposal

Where to next?

Check out Akanksha and Sam’s Italian Gardens proposal here.

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Proposals Stanislav Naydenov Proposals Stanislav Naydenov

Millennium Bridge Proposal - Cristiana and Raffa

Hi Stan!!!! You have exceeded our expectations!!! These are really really beautiful!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!
— Raffa

The Story

Raffa and Cristiana met during the pandemic and used to go to Millennium Bridge all the time. Back then it looked a little different from now - there were a lot less people. Despite this, Raffa didn’t have a doubt that Millenium Bridge was where he would propose.

He contacted me and we had a video call during which we made a great use of Google Street View - my best friend in location scouting.

On the day Raffa executed the plan well, she said a big YES, and we wandered around for an hour or so to take some photos around Millenium Bridge. They had a really lovely connection between them which made it a breeze to capture nice moments.


Millenium Bridge view from Tate Modern
A view of busy London
Millennium Bridge being really, really busy
Raffa taking a selfie with Cristiana before he proposes
Raffa proposes to Cristiana on Millenium Bridge
Raffa on one knee
Raffa and Cristiana kiss after he just proposed
Raffa and Cristiana with London in the background
A couple kissing in the middle of Millenium Bridge
Gum art on Millenium Bridge
A couple kissing with the Cathedral in the background at Millenium Bridge
A couple kissing in the golden light
Raffa and Cristiana in the beautiful golden light
Raffa and Cristiana about to kiss
Raffa and Cristiana walking and laughing
A couple embracing in a hug near Tower Bridge

About Me

Hi, I’m Stan and I’m a documentary wedding photographer based in Folkestone, Kent. I also enjoy working as a proposal photographer in London and the UK. My approach and style are all about beautifully capturing the candid moment - natural, authentic and unposed. Find out more about how I photograph proposals here.

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Proposals, Latest proposal Stanislav Naydenov Proposals, Latest proposal Stanislav Naydenov

Italian Gardens Proposal - Akanksha and Sam

A man proposing to his girlfriend at Italian Gardens, London.

Before the Proposal

Sam and I got on like a house on fire from the day he contacted me about his proposal. I loved how he planned the whole thing and the location he had in mind - Italian Gardens. Sam was so excited and literally couldn’t wait for the big day (he contacted me 5 weeks in advance).

We had a video call and we did the usual Google Street View scout of the location. A couple of weeks after that I was in London for another proposal so I popped down to the location to figure out which was the best spot for the proposal which Sam really appreciated.

The Plan

Sam told Akanksha they were coming to London to celebrate her taking her GP exam and he had the whole day planned. Little did she know he was also planning to propose.

On the day, after their train got cancelled and then they got stuck in traffic, they finally made it to Italian Gardens, and the rest is history.



I feel like herons are stalking me - there has been one at my last two proposals.

As always it was an absolute pleasure to be a part of another proposal story and to be able to capture some photos for Akanksha and Sam that they will hopefully cherish forever.

About Me

Hi, I’m Stan and I’m a documentary wedding photographer based in Folkestone, Kent. I also enjoy working as a proposal photographer in London and the UK. My approach and style are all about beautifully capturing the candid moment - natural, authentic and unposed. Find out more about how I photograph proposals here.

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Proposals Stanislav Naydenov Proposals Stanislav Naydenov

A Surprise Proposal in London - the Arch Beneath Westminster Bridge - Laura and Luke

Find out the story behind Laura and Luke’s surprise proposal in London.

Before the Proposal

Luke contacted me in early June and told me about his and his girlfriend Laura’s plans to visit Europe for 5 weeks during July and August. He told me that Laura loved London and was really looking forward to visiting all the landmarks, which is why he was thinking of proposing to her in London.

Choosing the Location

Luke was considering proposing at the arch beneath Westminster Bridge, opposite Big Ben but wasn’t entirely sure. During our video call, we looked at the photos from a previous proposal I had photographed there - Alexandra and Miguel’s proposal, and it was enough for Luke to fall in love with the location.

Photographing the Proposal

The time we agreed on was 9 am because the spot tends to get pretty busy after that and Luke wanted as much of a private setting as possible. I was going to be exactly on time, but I normally get to proposals at least 30 minutes beforehand which gives me time to adjust to any unforeseen circumstances. I decided to message Luke and ask him to slow them down so I get some time to set up my cameras and get ready.

Little did I know - he took my request quite literally. They didn’t mean to but got on the wrong bus to get to the location and ended up being almost an hour late. It actually worked great for me as I had time to set my cameras up, adjust all settings, get ready, take some establishing photos and so forth. I did get worried when they hadn’t showed up half an hour later so I dropped Luke a message to make sure everything was okay.

Luke executed the plan perfectly. They took a few selfies with the Big Ben in the background and just when Laura thought they were about to leave, Luke got the ring out of his pocket and dropped to one knee.

A man signals OK after proposing to his girlfriend

After the Proposal

After Luke introduced me to Laura we had a quick chat and we did what I always do with couples after their proposals - we got lost in London for about an hour, they were being themselves, celebrating their engagement and having lovely moments and I was capturing their real connection, intimacy and joy.

It was an absolute bliss getting to know Laura and Luke and being a part of something so special for them.


About Me

Hi, I’m Stan and I’m a documentary wedding photographer based in Folkestone, Kent. I also enjoy working as a proposal photographer in London and the UK. My approach and style are all about beautifully capturing the candid moment - natural, authentic and unposed. Find out more about how I photograph proposals here or find out more about me.

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Proposals Stanislav Naydenov Proposals Stanislav Naydenov

Westgate Gardens, Canterbury, Surprise Proposal - Hannah and John

A man proposing to his girlfriend at Westgate Gardens, Caterbury.

The Planning

John and Hannah were planning a trip to the UK at the end of June. A few weeks before they were due to land in London, John contacted me to see if I was available to photograph his surprise proposal. We had a lovely video call during which we were choosing the best spot for the task with the help of Google Street View.

On the day there was a small blue tractor with a trailer parked just behind the spot we had decided on. It’s because of circumstances like this I like to get on location for proposals well early, which gives me time to react and solve the problem.

Luckily for John and Hannah, the tractor wasn’t too big and simply choosing a lower angle to photograph from meant it was no longer an issue.

On the Day

John executed the plan perfectly and Hannah said a big YES. She was caught by complete surprise and there was so much shock, tears and laughs. We then spent some time wandering the streets of Canterbury.

Another proposal, another couple it was an absolute pleasure to meet and photograph.

About Me

Hi, I’m Stan and I’m a documentary wedding photographer based in Folkestone, Kent. I also enjoy working as a proposal photographer in London and the UK. My approach and style are all about beautifully capturing the candid moment - natural, authentic and unposed. Find out more about how I photograph proposals here.

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Proposals Stanislav Naydenov Proposals Stanislav Naydenov

Big Ben Surprise Proposal - Alexandra and Miguel

A man on one knee proposing to his girlfriend across the Big Ben

Before the Proposal

Miguel - a devoted Manchester United fan and a great guy, got in touch to see if I could photograph his surprise proposal in London at the beginning of June. He and his girlfriend at the time, now fiancee, Alexandra, were on their way to Italy for a wedding but decided to spend some time in London before the wedding. Little did she know Miguel had big plans for the short stay in London.

Miguel knew Alexandra loved the architecture in London and decided that Big Ben would be a perfect background for their proposal. The original plan was to propose at a specific time (11:19, which is their date), but he ended up proposing earlier.

Photographing the Proposal

Miguel executed the plan perfectly and as you can probably guess, she said yes and we spent an hour or so wandering around Westminster after their proposal for some photos. What a pleasure it was to meet and spend some time with these two genuinely lovely people and capture some moments they will treasure forever.


Westminster Palace and Big Ben
A shocked woman who has just realised her boyfriend is about to propose
A man proposing to his girlfriend with Big Ben in the background
A couple during their proposal near Big Ben
A couple kissing after they just got engaged
A young couple holding hands, walking and smiling
A couple looking at their engagement ring which is on the girlfriend's hand
A couple kissing with Big Ben in the background
A couple after they got engaged
A couple holding hands and walking
A man looking at his woman's engagement ring on her hand
A couple looking happy on a walk
A sweet moment between a man and a woman
A couple having a moment with London Eye in the background
A man and a woman about to kiss
A man and a woman looking at their engagement ring
A couple holding hands

Where to next?

Check out Apoorva and Sunil’s Kyoto Garden proposal here.

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Proposals Stanislav Naydenov Proposals Stanislav Naydenov

Lucas & Danielle’s London Surprise Proposal

I reached out to Stan on short notice to plan a surprise proposal in London and he was amazing to work with. From planning to execution everything went smoothly. He picked an amazing spot to shoot it and walked around London for an hour with us afterwards and the pictures turned out perfect. My fiancé and I couldn’t have been happier with how the whole day went. It was an absolute pleasure getting to meet and work with him on planning a day we will never forget!
— Lucas

Lucas and Danielle came to the UK from Canada for their holiday at the end of April. Lucas loved London and had decided to propose during their trip. He was particularly fond of the architecture but knew Danielle didn’t like crowded spaces, which was a challenge in busy London.

The location we came up with was Abingdon Street Gardens - a quiet spot in Westminster, overlooking the Palace of Westminster and Big Ben.

Lucas did a great job, executed the plan perfectly and Danielle said YES! After their proposal, we wandered around for an hour or so during which I photographed them being themselves and having some lovely moments as a newly-engaged couple.

We joked about how brave pigeons in the UK are and I’m thrilled I managed to get one in flight in one of their photos!

About Me

Hi, I’m Stan and I’m a documentary wedding photographer based in Folkestone, Kent. I also enjoy working as a proposal photographer in London and the UK. My approach and style are all about beautifully capturing the candid moment - natural, authentic and unposed. Find out more about how I photograph proposals here.

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Proposals Stanislav Naydenov Proposals Stanislav Naydenov

Primrose Hill Surprise Proposal - She Said YES! (Katy and Dhanesh)

Man on one knee proposing to his girlfriend
If you are a looking for a photographer who will go above and beyond to capture your special moment, Stan is your man!

When you book someone 24 hours before your proposal on an Instagram strangers recommendation, you’re not sure what you’re going to get. But what was delivered were timeless memories that we, our friends and family will treasure for a lifetime. Such good photos that we booked him for our wedding, and once again Stan delivered!
— Dhanesh

Long Shots Pay Off Sometimes

On Friday last week, I got a message from a nice chap called Dhanesh asking if I was free the next day for a surprise proposal in London. Long shot… but it paid off. I’m over the moon I took on the challenge.

There were so many variables and unknowns that could’ve gone wrong but despite everything Dhanesh executed the plan perfectly. And most important of all - Katy said YES!!!

We started at Primrose Hill where he proposed, and walked down to Camden Market where I photographed them being themselves and having some nice moments after the proposal.

Man walks toward his partner with a proposal ring hidden in his hand at Primrose Hill in London, Black and white
A man is about to propose to his partner at Primrose Hill in London
Man drops on one knee to propose to his girlfriend at Primrose Hill in London
Woman says yes to proposal and exchanges a kiss with her partner
Moments after Katy said YES to marrying Dhanesh
Couple having a walk in Camden town after the man proposed and the woman said yes

About Me

Hi, I’m Stan and I’m a documentary wedding photographer based in Folkestone, Kent. I also enjoy working as a proposal photographer in London and the UK. My approach and style are all about beautifully capturing the candid moment - natural, authentic and unposed. Find out more about how I photograph proposals here.

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