Big Ben Surprise Proposal - Alexandra and Miguel

A man on one knee proposing to his girlfriend across the Big Ben

Before the Proposal

Miguel - a devoted Manchester United fan and a great guy, got in touch to see if I could photograph his surprise proposal in London at the beginning of June. He and his girlfriend at the time, now fiancee, Alexandra, were on their way to Italy for a wedding but decided to spend some time in London before the wedding. Little did she know Miguel had big plans for the short stay in London.

Miguel knew Alexandra loved the architecture in London and decided that Big Ben would be a perfect background for their proposal. The original plan was to propose at a specific time (11:19, which is their date), but he ended up proposing earlier.

Photographing the Proposal

Miguel executed the plan perfectly and as you can probably guess, she said yes and we spent an hour or so wandering around Westminster after their proposal for some photos. What a pleasure it was to meet and spend some time with these two genuinely lovely people and capture some moments they will treasure forever.


Westminster Palace and Big Ben
A shocked woman who has just realised her boyfriend is about to propose
A man proposing to his girlfriend with Big Ben in the background
A couple during their proposal near Big Ben
A couple kissing after they just got engaged
A young couple holding hands, walking and smiling
A couple looking at their engagement ring which is on the girlfriend's hand
A couple kissing with Big Ben in the background
A couple after they got engaged
A couple holding hands and walking
A man looking at his woman's engagement ring on her hand
A couple looking happy on a walk
A sweet moment between a man and a woman
A couple having a moment with London Eye in the background
A man and a woman about to kiss
A man and a woman looking at their engagement ring
A couple holding hands

Where to next?

Check out Apoorva and Sunil’s Kyoto Garden proposal here.


Westgate Gardens, Canterbury, Surprise Proposal - Hannah and John


Wildlife Photography At Lake Kerkini, Greece