Wedding Photographers Shooting Street Stuff in London

A while ago when I was first looking into wedding photography somebody said that street photography is the closest genre to weddings.

Back then it didn't make so much sense. I thought surely portrait photography is the closest, but now it makes perfect sense.

I think there is so much in common between street and wedding photography, in particular documentary wedding photography. You are just there with your camera and you are waiting for something to happen. Waiting to capture a moment and or capturing something still which is part of the story.

Wedding photography is like street photography on steroids. There is so much going on during weddings. Laughter, tears, wild moves, quiet and peaceful moments.

Below are some photos from my second attempt of street photography - this time I was joined by a gang of photographers. Olly, Becci, Charlotte and James.

People coming down the elevator on the London Tube
A man standing still at Liverpool Street Tube Station in London
A man with his daughter and granddaughter near London Bridge
A woman walking around Borough Market in London
A man running down the stairs and a woman with her daughter
A few tall buildings in London
An interesting man walking around a market
The Turkish lady who was preparing Turkish street food in Borough Market

And the gang…

Olly Knight - my mentor and friend (mentor in 2024, hopefully friend forever)

Charlotte Bradley

James Richard

Charlotte Bradley & Becci Wiles

My first experience with street photography wasn’t particularly enjoyable. It was way out of my comfort zone. I was on my own and dived right in the deep.

I jumped on a train from Folkestone to Canterbury through Dover. It was my first time on a train in the UK and I was trying to end up where I wanted, and not somewhere completely different.

Because of this I couldn’t really enjoy photographing much at the train stations. Then I went to Canterbury without a particular location in mind, and there wasn’t much going on. I felt like I was doing the wrong thing pointing a camera at strangers and didn’t enjoy it much.

I’m so glad the bad first experience didn’t stop me from doing the second one in London with the gang of photographers.

Looking forward to the next one!


Primrose Hill Surprise Proposal - She Said YES! (Katy and Dhanesh)